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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Better than 'you know what' cake...

Wonderful cake! P.S. I'm not a prude about the title, I just didn't want someone searching that omitted word and finding our blog. And you if you don't know what that omitted word is, perhaps you should get out more.

1 pkg German Chocolate cake mix (prepared with the oil and eggs as specified on the box)
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 jar of carmel ice cream topping
1 tub of cool whip
1 bag of toffee and chocolate pieces (or crushed up Skor bars)

-Make the cake as usual in 13 by 9 pan. Let cool about 15 minutes.

-Using the skinny end of a wooden spoon, poke holes about every inch all the way through the cake.

-Pour the jar of sweetened condensed milk over the entire cake. Let sit 5 minutes.

-Pour the jar of carmel topping over the cake. Let sit 5 minutes.

-Spread the cool whip over the cake. Sprinkle with the toffee bits.

Now, the recipe says to let it sit in the fridge for at least an hour. But I find that it is most fabulous the next day, so I always make it in the morning of the day I want to eat it.


~Hartwig Family~ said...

I had this cake over the weekend and it was FABULOUS!! They used crushed up butterfinger bars! YUMMY!